Abstract Paper Template

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Topics (International Conference on Science, Technology and Education)

    The purpose of the conference is to exchange scientific results and to promote the friendship between the countries in Asia-Pacific region. Papers with original works in all aspects of (Applied Engineering, Technology, Engineering Education and Vocational, Innovative Learning) are invited. Topics include, but not limited to, the followings:

    Track 1 : Electrical & Electronics Engineering
    Track 2 : Computer & Information Technology
    Track 3 : Mechanical Engineering
    Track 4 : Renewable Energy, Environmental Engineering
    Track 5 : Science, Technology & Engineering
    Track 6 : Material Science & Chemical Engineering
    Track 7 : CDIO, STEM Education, Co-Operative learning and Active Learning
    Track 8 : Vocational Education
    Track 9 : AI for Learning and Innovation
    Track 10 : Others

Submission of Papers

    Prospective authors are invited to submit original full paper(s) of either MS Word or PDF format written in English. All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and presentation. Your submission must not have been and will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another conference before our review notification. Full papers are allowed to 4 pages. Extra pages(exceed 4 pages) will incur additional charges. A template for the full paper will be available at the conference website


    The full papers are provided with conference proceedings. To be eligible for conference proceedings, at least one author should register to present the paper. The format for the full papers will be available on the conference website. The peer reviewing of full paper will be organized by the Technical Program Committee.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission July 25, 2024
Notification of acceptance August 4, 2024
Full papers submission deadline August 18, 2024
Registration payment August 30, 2024